Personalised Nutrition Advice for the following:
Coeliac disease
Diverticular disease / diverticulitis
Eating Disorders & Disordered Eating in adults
Healthy Eating and general nutrition
Heart Health – cholesterol/blood pressure
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Diarrhoea/constipation/wind/bloating)
Low FODMAP diet
Metabolic Syndrome
Nutrition for people with Cancer
Nutrition before, during and after pregnancy
Osteoporosis & Osteopenia
Raised blood sugars & Type 2 Diabetes
Reflux / Hiatus Hernia / Oesophagitis/ Barrett’s Oesophagus
Sports nutrition – see link for recent Be Ready to Play Nutrition Webinar
Weight management in children/adolescents
Weight management for adults
Initial appointment cost is €140. Your appointment can last up to 1 hr and involves taking a full medical and diet history.
Review appointments are €80

Performance Nutrition
We can help to optimise you or your teams performance, whether on the field, in the gym or in work. This could include looking at fuelling strategies, optimising recovery, targeting hydration or body composition.
Having worked with numerous teams and individual sports over the past number of years, the benefit of our service is that we can look at your individual needs and tailor our support to maximise your performance.
An example of how performance nutrition can be adapted to suit your own sports needs:
English Channel Swimmer Fergal Madden
“I met Laura in late 2018 and sought her advice and knowledge on the nutritional side of long distance open water swimming and just as important got Laura to put together a feed plan that would be suitable to use in the water to give me the correct amounts of carbohydrates, electrolytes etc. to sustain me across my solo English Channel swim.
On August 3rd 2019 I achieved my goal of swimming across the English Channel. The feed plan and nutritional advice that Laura provided was a critical part of my successful crossing. “
Fergal Madden, English Channel Swimmer

Group workshops
Whether it is a school, work place or social group we can deliver interactive and practical based workshops designed around your needs for example: healthy lunches for school kids, time saving tips in the kitchen or top tips on healthy eating.
As a British Dietetic Association (BDA) Work Ready Accredited dietitian I can design and deliver nutrition programmes to help people stay healthy at work.